Parsley Soup


1 large onion 2 large carrots 50g/2oz/1/4 cup butter 150g/5oz potato 900ml/1.5 pints/3.75 cups chicken stock Sea salt and black pepper 25g/1oz/0.75 cups parsley, heads only

Peel the onion, clean the carrots and slice them all very thinly; there should be roughly equal amounts of each. Heat the butter in a pan and stew the onion and carrot gently for about 6 minutes. Add the peeled and thinly sliced potato. After 3 more minutes pour on the heated stock. Add salt and pepper and simmer, covered for 35 minutes, then leave to cool slightly. Puree in a blender with the parsley, then reheat, adding extra seasoning as required.

The Herb Book

by: Arabella Boxer & Philippa Back

Categories Recipes, Dinner at Didi's

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