Stuffed Sole


1 Clove garlic, finely chopped 3 mushrooms, finely chopped 3/4 cup finely chopped spinach 1 tablespoon butter 6 medium shrimp, chopped 3 medium-sized sole fillets (fish) salt and pepper

Cook garlic, mushrooms and spinach in butter until soft. Add shrimp and stir to mix. Season fillets with salt and pepper. Place one-third of mixture on each fillet, roll up and secrue with toothpick. Place in buttered baking dish, cover and bake at 350 F [175 C] for 15 to 20 minutes.

(Serves 3)

The Harrowsmith Cookbok - vol 2

Gail Walter - Edmonton, Alberta

Categories Recipes, Dinner at Didi's

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