Lovely Linda's Chilli Con Carne


(Linda is a friend of Mum and Dad's)

500 grams [1.1 pounds] mince 1 clove crushed garlic 3 teaspoons cumin 2 teaspoons coriander 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon chilli powder 3 bay leaves 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 stick celery - chopped 1 green or red capsicum - chopped 1 tin tomatoes 800g [1.75 pounds] 1 tin red kidney beans 440g [1 pound] 1 beef stock cube dissolved in water

brown mince add garlic 2 minutes later add all spices, bay leaves & stir for a few minutes add tomato paste, tomatoes, beans, celery & capsicum add stock cube dissolved in HO reduce heat & simmer, stirring frequently for 45 min serve with rice

VR: Damien

Categories Cookbook, Recipes

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