Quick guide to strange names


1. UK 2. USA/Canada 3. Australia

1. aubergine 2.eggplant 3.eggplant

1. beetroot 2. beet 3. beetroot

1. red/green pepper/capsicum 2. bell pepper 3. capsicum

1. courgette 2. zucchini 3. zucchini

1. canteloupe 2. cantelope 3. rockmelon

1. kiwifruit 2. kiwi 3. kiwifruit

1. spring onions 2. scallions/green onions 3. shallots/spring onions

1. mince 2. ground beef/hamburger 3. mince

1. prawn 2. shrimp 3. prawn

1. biscuit 2. cookie or cracker 3. biscuit

1. no equivalent 2. biscuit 3. no equivalent

1. digestive biscuits 2. graham crackers 3. shredded wheatmeal biscuits

1. essence 2. extract 3. essence

1. single cream 2. light cream 3. cream

1. double cream 2. heavy/whipping cream 3. thickened cream

1. unsalted butter 2. sweet butter 3. unsalted butter

1. plain flour 2. all-purpose flour 3. plain flour

1. wholemeal flour 2. whole wheat flour 3. wholemeal flour

1. semolina 2. cream of wheat 3. semolina

1. cornflour 2. cornstarch 3. cornflour

1. ? 2. corn meal 3. ?

1. castor sugar 2. granulated sugar 3. castor sugar

1. icing sugar 2. confectioner's sugar 3. icing sugar 1. black treacle 2. molasses 3. molasses

1. ??bitter chocolate?? 2. baking/unsweetened 3. no equivalent

1. Plain chocolate 2. semi-sweet/dark chocolate 3. dark/cooking chocolate

1. milk chocolate 2. (milk)chocolate 3.(milk) chocolate

1. grill 2. broiler 3. grill

1. fan oven 2. convection oven 3. fan-forced oven

Categories Cookbook, Guide to strange names

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